Diamond – Photography WordPress Theme

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    The new generation of the photography WordPress themes. Absolutely new features come with this awesome wp theme, among them custom made Fullscreen Slider with image and video support, Gallery categories support, Photo and Video support, Galleries with margins etc. This WordPress theme is based on the custom templates system, the best and very easy to customize. Almost all our customers are satisfied with it, that’s why we keep using it in this photo WordPress theme. We made a lot of changes in the import system which is also very important for the end user. Now all the content with the images can be easily imported, you can use built-in import tool. Having a fullscreen layout, the end users still have the option to use the standard fullwidth layout, either it is a simple page or a blog with right or left sidebars. It is real solution for photographers, videographer, all the people who want to have a website with cool online portfolio. Take the advantages of this super top-notch Photo WordPress Theme. Stay tuned!


  1. Andrew McDonald Reply

    Does the slideshow support portrait as well as landscape images? I find this is the number one failure of most slideshow plugins.

    • gt3themes Reply

      Yes, it does.

      • Kyoko Johnson Reply

        Does the FullScreen Slider (which has the circular thumbnails) support portrait/vertical images too, i.e. will show the entire image? Or is it only the other Gallery types (Portrait; Portait and Landscape) that support portrait/vertical images? Thanks for the clarification.

  2. Viche Maidan Reply

    hello, is it possible to keep the page from entirely reloading every time you click? i.e. if i move i looking at ‘about us’ and click on ‘gallery’, can the screen not go white as it moves from one page to the next? thanks.

    • gt3themes Reply

      It is not ajax based theme, that’s why it won’t work in the way you described above.

  3. mactep Reply

    I see this theme comes with the GT3 page builder built in, can you get upgrades to this plugin over time as I see there are new features added all the time? Or are you stuck with the version when you buy the relevant theme?

    • gt3themes Reply

      Every theme comes with its own version of the page builder, because all the themes, especially photography ones, have advanced functionality, custom templates etc

  4. Marcin Reply

    I paid for this theme, installed it and I have quite a few problems. It’s not working as showing on Live Demo. Main problem is that menu is not allowing me to go to submenu (and I did set it up properly), which makes it impossible to access all the pages on my website. Any help with that?

    • gt3themes Reply

      Please make sure that you put # sign to the parent menu item to have it open on click. Please check this screenshot http://prntscr.com/557szm

      • Marcin Reply

        Thank you. It’s working now. That was helpful.

    • manoj Reply


  5. Joseph Ryan Cannon Reply

    Where is the documentation for this theme?

    • gt3themes Reply

      It is located in the main zip file. You can download it from themeforest

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