Oyster Creative Photo WordPress Theme

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  • Theme Description:

    Developing this Photo WordPress Theme, we tried to fulfill the very first need of any photographer or blogger – flexible and user friendly design that can be easily transformed according to your taste. Oyster with its elegant layout and unique capabilities is exactly what you’ve been looking for a long time. Without exaggeration, this theme will become the thought-out solution for your web project.

    The main concept of the Oyster WordPress Theme is to emphasis the content in the best way, including a great variety of images, videos and posts. That’s why its structure is simple, style is minimal and background is soft gray. At the Home page you can see Masonry portfolio with images and different viewing options, so you can choose which frame is more appropriate for your web project. There are Masonry style, horizontal or vertical striped, Revolution slider, fullscreen image, vimeo or youtube background. To underline the great flexibility and scalability of this WordPress theme, we also provide you with fully customizable Gallery, Portfolio and Blog pages.

    For your convenience, Oyster Theme has double menu: the main menu and additional, so you can divide your artworks into several categories, for example, Advertisement, Cities, Fashion, Nature, Portrait and Stuff. In such a way that your visitors can browse the particular photos on the selected topic or choose just to look through all of them. Moreover, we include additional pages, such as About, Before/After, Coming Soon and 404 Error page for better website performance.

    Theme Options panel allows you to modify Oyster to your needs by editing logo, favicon, header slogan, sidebars, fonts, socials, contacts, view and color options.
    But it is better than any words just to check the Live demo and see this awesome theme in action. Take it into service and start your own professional website in a matter of clicks!


  1. Steve Reply

    I really like the Masonry Portfolio layout. Is it possible to use that as a home page (instead of users navigating too it)? Also is it possible to not have the counters activated?

    • gt3themes Reply

      Yes, you can do any page as a home one. They can be hidden via .css

  2. catalysto Reply

    Hi, awesome theme! Two questions though: 1) Can the main blog page (that lists all of the posts) show full posts instead of just the beginning excerpts? And 2) can the loading animation of the blue line across the screen be turned off? Thank you!!

    • gt3themes Reply

      1. We have different layouts of the blog, please be more specific
      2. Its not easy to remove it, because it works with other scripts.

      • catalysto Reply

        On Blog > Standard > Right Sidebar, it lists all of the posts as excerpts. Is there an option to show the full posts on that page instead of just the shortened versions?

        • gt3themes

          Yes, you can remove the excerpt and it will be loading the post content.

          • Lina Eriksson

            I’m having the same question, but don’t know exactly how to remove the excerpt.. Thanks for a great theme!

          • gt3themes

            Just remove the test from the excerpt field http://prntscr.com/5emaau

  3. Miang Reply

    What is the latest version of this template? It is nowhere to be seen.

    • gt3themes Reply

      Please download the main zip file from themeforest and check the change_log.txt file.

      • Miang Reply

        I don’t have this template yet. I want to see a changelog with version numbers to see whats new, what’s fixed and other features. Thanks.

        • gt3themes

          The latest version is 2.1 The detailed change log can be seen only when you purchase the item in the main zip file.

  4. Gerbrand Oudenaarden Reply

    Hi, I bought th beautiful theme and I am now building my site. Does the theme always use the full-size uploaded images for the slideshows, or is there a way to force the use of wordpress-generated ‘large thumbnails’. I would like to make my photos available in the best possible quality for download. But these files (5-8 MB each) are way too large for use in the slideshow.

    • gt3themes Reply

      Thanks for the purchase.
      You can upload smaller size images to upload to the fullscreen slider.

  5. Engin Aydeniz Reply

    Is it possible for Oyster to search photos with keywords i’ve
    already recorded in their metadata? Or is there a plug-in for this?
    (I’ve searched in all the GT3 oyster forum but there is no answer for this)

    But for now, I set a search page with tags; http://mekanstop.com/?page_id=2431,
    but when i click on a tag, the result page appears in a unprofessional
    “posts” look. Is it possible to see the results only with thumbnails?
    And, yes, i have to make posts, and link them to my portfolios to be
    able to make search via Tags. Because as far as i know, we can not set
    tags for portfolio or category pages.

    Many thanks,


    Hello again,
    found the Media Library Assistant plug-in, (version 1.0.5, by David
    Lingren, Fair Trade Judaica). I installed it.. it works well in the
    media section of the wordpress software and i succeeded to find photos
    with keywords. But the problem is now, how to set a “keyword search box”
    for the visitors to my website? MLA, help me to create a custom field,
    to make searches with keywords. But it does not appear on the page?

    Could you please help me?
    Thanks again.

    • Engin Aydeniz Reply

      No reply?

      • gt3themes Reply

        You are looking for an option which is not available in the theme. It can be considered as a customisation only.

        • Engin Aydeniz

          Ok, can we talk about the customisation? The conditions, and the cost? Thanks, Engin enginaydeniz@gmail.com

          • gt3themes

            Please send your request with the detailed information to help [at] gt3themes dot com

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