Mocco Single Page Bootstrap Template
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Theme Description:
Let us introduce you our top-grade Mocco HTML Template that is specially created for those who are admiring original style and can opt for one page design. The main peculiarity of this theme is the striking presentation when visitors just need to use the scrolling option to find all necessary information about your web project.
Massive Revolution slider with the сontrast background gives to the overall design cool and modern chic. Being quite pleasant to eyes, this template provides your visitors with the great flawless experience. Mocco is a good example of the great balance between sleek design and minimal layout.
With the help of Bootstrap framework, Mocco has responsive and well-structured layout. It comprises the following pages such as Home, About, Works, Blog, Contacts, Features. Developed with the HTML & CSS code, Mocco has a great variety of handy shortcodes to give you the maximum flexibility and freedom in customization process. There are portfolio and blog posts, counters, custom buttons, progress bars, message boxes, tabs and many other useful tools. You can simply make all modifications and implement all necessary stuff into your website.
So сhoose the new way to present your professional website with this ready-made Mocco HTML One Page Template and you will definitely succeed.

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