Diamond – Photography WordPress Theme

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    The new generation of the photography WordPress themes. Absolutely new features come with this awesome wp theme, among them custom made Fullscreen Slider with image and video support, Gallery categories support, Photo and Video support, Galleries with margins etc. This WordPress theme is based on the custom templates system, the best and very easy to customize. Almost all our customers are satisfied with it, that’s why we keep using it in this photo WordPress theme. We made a lot of changes in the import system which is also very important for the end user. Now all the content with the images can be easily imported, you can use built-in import tool. Having a fullscreen layout, the end users still have the option to use the standard fullwidth layout, either it is a simple page or a blog with right or left sidebars. It is real solution for photographers, videographer, all the people who want to have a website with cool online portfolio. Take the advantages of this super top-notch Photo WordPress Theme. Stay tuned!


  1. Nushke Grobler Reply

    Hi, I have followed all of the instructions in the documentation I got along with the diamond theme, however the Gallery-Albums page attribute does not display any images/albums or really anything for that matter – http://www.vdbjmilan.com/albums/?slug=leopard.

    On the site I have activated the Gallery – Grid page attribute until I can get the albums page to work. Please help/advise on what might have gone wrong? Thank you in advance

    • gt3themes Reply

      You have to post all tech related questions to our help forum http://forums.gt3themes.com/viewforum.php?f=73

      Can you please copy/paste your questions with your site credentials so that our support team could check it for you.

  2. Nushke Grobler Reply

    Hello, I need to know how you embeded a Gallery into a Post, as can be seen on your live demo: http://www.gt3themes.com/demo/?theme=Diamond%20WP
    Please help?

    • gt3themes Reply

      You put the link with iframe, which does not show what page you are referring to. Here is a link to the demo without iframe http://www.gt3themes.com/wordpress-themes/diamond/

      • Nushke Grobler Reply

        okay, here is the link again http://www.gt3themes.com/wordpress-themes/diamond/portfolio/simple-fullwidth-image-post/
        The page is under Works>Posts>Simple Full Width
        I want to know how to embed the gallery into the post please?

        • gt3themes

          We used the page builder module “Gallery”.

          • Nushke Grobler

            Why don’t I have a gallery option?
            Attached is a screen shot, I can only select images.
            I already have about 8 galleries set up, but I can not add the page builder module “Gallery” as you have done, why is that?
            I really need this functionality.

          • gt3themes

            You forgot to attach the screenshot. Maybe you are trying to add the gallery to the blog post? The page builder modules are available for the pages and custom post types like portfolio.

          • Nushke Grobler

            Thank you for your help, I have found that it was not a post but rather a portfolio entry. Appreciate the advice.

  3. Olivier Simon Reply

    Hello, This theme looks great, i’m thinking about purchasing it but i have a question. Is it possible to disable the clickable heart icon display on each photo ?
    Thanks for your answer.

    • gt3themes Reply

      Yes, it is possible to hide it via .css

      • Olivier Simon Reply

        Ok i’ll check the sheet
        Thanks you for your quick answer

  4. plauer4 Reply

    Where can I view the fonts available in Black Diamond? I see a fine long list in the dashboard but cannot review and compare type families to choose one for my new site….Help!

    • gt3themes Reply

      The supports only google web fonts.

  5. Michelle Reply

    Nice theme.

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